After the outage earlier this week, the PlayStation Network is down yet again.
Users of the PS4 and PS3 are experiencing problems as the issue impacts the ability to log in as well as a wide variety of areas.
With new games Monster hunter World and Dragon Ball FighterZ having just been released fans aren't too impressed that they are unable to play.
Sony's PlayStation support account confirmed the sign-in issues on Twitter saying it is investigating them. The PSN page paints a worse picture with all areas except for PlayStation Vue experiencing issues.
Original story: The PlayStation Network is currently down, and players online are complaining about the interruption in their service. Sony’s official site
is confirming that the account management, gaming and social,
PlayStation Now, PlayStation Video, PlayStation Store and PlayStation
Music services are all “experiencing issues” across PlayStation 4 and
PlayStation 3.
The PlayStation Network has been suffering from outages
in the past week, and it doesn’t look like all of the issues have been
fixed. The launch of the latest Monster Hunter title and Dragon Ball FighterZ today makes this outage particularly bad timing.
This isn’t part of a planned maintenance period, as far
as we can tell, so it’s impossible to guess how long the system will be
down or what issues are causing the interruption in service. We’ll
update this story if Sony issues any kind of information about what we
can expect for the rest of the day, including whether the system will be
back online for the Friday evening rush.
There's still no word on when the problem will be fixed.